Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments and passions and enthusiasm about the book jackets. I can't tell you how much delight (and insight) I'm getting out of this process already, and we haven't even started officially voting yet!

OK folks, yesterday was just for messing around and speaking out, but today it gets real. Be sure to come back in an hour when the official selection app goes live, and DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!

We will keep the voting booth open through the weekend, and announce the results on Monday, March 25th.

So make your voices heard! Because the future of all human democracy hinges upon your participation! (Or…something like that? Maybe? Or at least it will just be a lot of fun?)

Meanwhile, I thought you might enjoy this USA TODAY article about why I'm doing this cover contest…

Big love, and let's roll…

You can choose jacket of Elizabeth Gilbert's new novel
Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of the bestselling memoir 'Eat, Pray, Love,' is letting fans vote for the cover for her new novel.

via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall