Dear Ones —

Yesterday the first actual hardcover copies of my new book "The Signature of All Things" arrived in the world. (Or, at least, they arrived in MY world, delivered by overnight express.)

I've been writing since I was about four years old. I've been trying to write serious fiction since I was about fourteen years old. I've been writing professionally since I was about twenty-four years old. This is my sixth book, people. I'm a middle-aged woman by now. YOU'D THINK I WOULD BE USED TO THE EXCITEMENT OF THIS MOMENT BY NOW.

But I'm not.

I almost cried when I opened the package and saw the book — the real book. The one I worked on for almost four solid years. Dreams made material, just like that.

Guys, it's so pretty, I can't even tell you. From the beautiful cover (which so many of you helped to choose!), to the font of the type (Renaissance-inpired minion; I'm a font geek), to the thick, rough-cut, old-fashioned pages, to the 19th century botanical prints that illustrate each of the five parts of the novel, to the endpapers (separate photo to follow of the amazing endpapers!)…well, all-in-all, this is a REALLY PRETTY BOOK, which feels true to the era (18th and 19th century) of its prose.

An act of love, to be sure.

I haz happy.

October 1, everyone…OCTOBER FIRST!


via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall