Hello my lovelies!
In less than two weeks THE SIGNATURE OF ALL THINGS will be published in its gorgeous new paperback form — light, portable, perfect for beach reading!
Since I haven't shown the book trailer for SOAT for a while, I thought I would post it here today, for anyone who hasn't seen it. It's fun to watch because it includes footage of The Woodlands, the actual Philadelphia estate upon which I based Alma's fictitious home. (For instance, you can see the carriage house…and if you ever visit the actual Woodlands person, by the way, you can even see "the binding closet", ahem!)
So…you can click right here to watch the video:
Thanks, all!
Video | Elizabeth Gilbert – The Official Website |
"The Signature of All Things" promo trailer Elizabeth talks about THE SIGNATURE OF ALL THINGS Elizabeth Gilbert: A new way to think about creativity TEDTal