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I just watched Italy lose to Costa Rica in the World Cup — all the while texting my friends in Rome, who are, of course, devastated…ah, the heartbreak of sport!
Congratulations, Costa Rica! And as for Italy: Che palle, dudes. Che palle.
But watching the Italians play today reminded me of the first time I ever attended a soccer match in Rome — an event some of you may remember from page 69 in Eat Pray Love. Certainly the best lesson in Italian vocabulary I ever experienced.
And it also reminded me of the most RECENT time I watched a soccer game in Rome. Both times, with my friend Luca Spaghetti — pictured here. There is hardly any place I would rather be, than in a football stadium with Luca Spaghetti. (OK, maybe a pizzeria…)
We love you, Luca! Sorry for your loss!