I’m in the car on my way to Oprah’s The Life You Want Tour in Miami — where toda…

I’m in the car on my way to Oprah’s The Life You Want Tour in Miami — where toda…

I'm in the car on my way to Oprah's The Life You Want Tour in Miami — where today we shall all be asking ourselves this very question….

What's your answer, everyone?

A year from now: October 25, 2015.

Let's picture it.

Where are you? Who are you with? What are you up to? And how does it feel?

I'll hopefully be looking back on this day as having been AWESOME….and next year at this time, I also plan to be enjoying happy memories of a trip I finally will have taken to Greece….and I will — if all the forces of destiny allow — definitely be on book tour, for my brand new book about Creativity!

Where will you be?

Aim high, dream big, and start making plans!

Love love love to you all,

via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall

TOMORROW’S DRESS! Here’s what I’ll be wearing tomorrow for Oprah’s The Life You…

TOMORROW’S DRESS! Here’s what I’ll be wearing tomorrow for Oprah’s The Life You…


Here's what I'll be wearing tomorrow for Oprah's The Life You Want Tour…this is about as close as I get to "spicy", and some version of spicy does seem to be what Miami deserves.

(The toenails, also, are slightly out of character for me, so I thought I'd include them in the portrait!)

Thank you, Mr. de la Renta, once again, for the beauty…nobody will ever do what you could do.



via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall

FRIDAY HOUSEKEEPING! Dear Ones – We get a lot of new people joining this Faceb…

FRIDAY HOUSEKEEPING! Dear Ones – We get a lot of new people joining this Faceb…


Dear Ones –

We get a lot of new people joining this Facebook page every day (thank you for joining our little community, new folks!) so once a week, I try to give everyone all the information they might want, about other places on the Internet to find me.

So let’s run down the list:

My website is https://ift.tt/sUqSyM. There, you can find information on all my upcoming events (SEE YOU IN PITTSBURGH, OHIO, SEATTLE & SAN JOSE soon!) see videos, read my thoughts on the writing process, and download book club guides to my books!

I have an email newsletter (where I always reveal my big news first, see exclusive home videos, and sometimes run contests, when I remember to.) You can join the newsletter by clicking the icon on the left of this page called "LizNews" and signing up. (You can also sign up for LizNews on the homepage of my website.)

You can follow me on Twitter, where I basically just goof off, at: https://ift.tt/1tJzIxR

You can follow me on Instagram (which I just started because some 14-year-olds told me to) at:


You can follow me on Pinterest (that addictive crack house, whose vortex I try not to tumble down too often because it’s a gorgeous suckhole) at: https://ift.tt/1tJzKpd

And if you EVER want to buy to buy signed copies of ANY of my books, you can buy them online through the shop, Two Buttons, that I run in New Jersey with my husband (otherwise known as “that Brazilian guy”.) The link is right here: https://ift.tt/1pfR7PX

That is all, my dears!

(And yes, in all these various social media forums, it is actually ME doing the posting, the chatting, the responding, the pinning, the time-wasting. I like it. It’s fun. I like hanging out with you guys. I’m glad you like hanging out with me. Also, I have no children and my husband cooks, so I have plenty of extra time on my hands…)


Thanks for everything!

(And love from the rainy beautiful beaches of Miami! See you tonight at Oprah's The Life You Want Tour — those of you who are going!)


via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall

THANK YOU, RICHARD FROM TEXAS…and rest in peace. Dear Ones — Today is the bi…

THANK YOU, RICHARD FROM TEXAS…and rest in peace. Dear Ones — Today is the bi…

THANK YOU, RICHARD FROM TEXAS…and rest in peace.

Dear Ones —

Today is the birthday of my dear friend Richard from Texas, who passed away in 2010.

I loved this man so much, and I miss him constantly.

Many of you came to love Richard, too, from the minute he walked onto the pages of EAT PRAY LOVE. His influence and guidance over my life was certainly incalculable — as was the joy of his company.

Richard was a trickster and an outlaw by nature, which made him such an unusual candidate for a spiritual teacher (although maybe not, since there's an awful lot of trickster energy in the universe.) We always had adventures together that bordered on the illegal and the illicit — or sometimes even crossed that border.

The last time I saw Richard alive, he'd come to visit me in New Jersey, and somehow he convinced me to break into an abandoned house with him. We'd just been driving around the countryside, and he saw this big old empty house, and he wanted to check it out. It was totally illegal, of course, and also a bit of a complicated operation. (There was a ladder involved, "borrowed" from an old barn, and the jimmying of windows and locks.) The whole time, he was totally relaxed. Richard climbed up to slip into an second-story window while I held the ladder for him, quite nervously (I am NOT an outlaw).The whole time, he was grinning like a kid — like a very naughty kid — while I kept saying, "I can't believe you're a spiritual role model to millions!"

I'll never forget Richard grinning at me from a window on the second floor of that abandoned house, saying, "Groceries! You gotta come in here and check it out! It's AMAZING!"

I said, "How am I going to explain this to the police, if they drive by and see me holding this ladder?"

He said, "I'll hide, and you tell them it was an accident. Tell them you didn't know it was private property."

I said, "Richard, I'm holding a LADDER!"

He said, "You're a writer; you can make up a good story for the cops if they show up," and then he vanished into upstairs of the abandoned house — though he kept popping his smiling face out of various windows to tell me what a great time he was having.

This is how I always picture Richard up in heaven — popping his head out of various windows to grin down at me. Daring me to take risks. Laughing at my fear. Way up high in an unknowable world. Having a ball.

I love you, Richard. Thank you for the laughter, the lessons, the felonies!!!


via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall