Dear Ones –
We get a lot of new people joining this Facebook page every day (thank you for joining our little community, new folks!) so once a week, I try to give everyone all the information they might want, about other places on the Internet to find me.
So let’s run down the list:
My website is There, you can find information on all my upcoming events, see videos, read my thoughts on the writing process, and download book club guides to my books!
I have an email newsletter (where I always reveal my big news first, see exclusive home videos, and sometimes run contests, when I remember to.) You can join the newsletter by clicking the icon on the left of this page called "LizNews" and signing up. (You can also sign up for LizNews on the homepage of my website.)
You can follow me on Twitter, where I basically just goof off, at:
You can follow me on Instagram (which I just started because some 14-year-olds told me to) at:
You can follow me on Pinterest (that addictive crack house, whose vortex I try not to tumble down too often because it’s a gorgeous suckhole) at:
And if you EVER want to buy to buy signed copies of ANY of my books, you can buy them online through the shop, Two Buttons, that I run in New Jersey with my husband (otherwise known as “that Brazilian guy”.) The link is right here:
That is all, my dears!
(And yes, in all these various social media forums, it is actually ME doing the posting, the chatting, the responding, the pinning, the time-wasting. I like it. It’s fun. I like hanging out with you guys. I’m glad you like hanging out with me. Also, I have no children and my husband cooks, so I have plenty of extra time on my hands…)
Thanks for everything!
via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall
MY FAVORITE AGE: 9 years old.
9 years old is the perfect a for a girl, I do believe. It was for this girl, anyway.
After the bewilderment of early childhood was over, before the confusions of puberty began.
Instinctively self-confident.
Immensely excited about pretty much everything.
And ROCKING the Dorothy Hamill haircut.
1978. It was a good year for the color mustard, as well…and for that one lazy eye.
I love my life so much these days, and when I am at my very best these days — my very happiest — I sometimes almost feel like I'm 9 again. No better feeling than that.
What was your favorite age? And why?
via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall
A clip from my upcoming interview (part 2) on Super Soul Sunday…
Thought you all might enjoy my answer!
The full interview will air this Sunday on OWN-TV at 11am (and will LIVESTREAM worldwide on and on the Super Soul Sunday Facebook page!)
See you there!
The Advice Elizabeth Gilbert Would Give Her Younger Self
What advice would author Elizabeth Gilbert give her younger self? Her answer may surprise you.
via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall
Long ago, when I was in my desperate and confused 20's, a brilliant, independent, wonderful woman in her 70's gave me this incredible piece of life wisdom.
She said:
"We women spend our 20's and 30's so worried about what everyone is thinking about us. Then we get into our 40's and 50's, and we finally start to be free, because we decide we don't give a damn what anyone thinks of us. But you will not be completely free until your 60's and 70's, when you will finally realize this liberating truth — NOBODY WAS EVER THINKING ABOUT YOU, ANYHOW."
They aren't. They weren't. They never were.
People are just thinking about themselves — all caught up in their own dramas, their own fears, their own regrets and tasks and insecurities and distractions.
"You aren't on anybody's mind," my friend told me. "They don't have room in their minds to be worried about what you're wearing, what you're doing, how you're living…"
While it may seem lonely and horrible at first to imagine that you aren't on anybody's mind, there is also — as my wise older friend told me — a great liberation to be found in this idea.
I wrote down her message in my lucky notebook, and I've kept it nearby forever (along with my plucky, self-confident little fox totem.)
You are free, because everyone is too busy worrying about themselves to worry about you.
Go be who you want to be, then.
Do what you want to do.
Dress how you want to dress.
Love who you want to love.
It's exceeding likely that nobody will even notice.
And that's AWESOME.
via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall